Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where are the dragonflies nowadays?

I haven't seen dragonflies lately and so do other insects like fireflies. It is so sad that our children will lessen their experiences to enjoy nature and other wonderful things. Progress really affects our environment. So when I saw a dragonfly, I immediately grabbed my camera and called Dylan for him to experience such a wonder like this. As for now, I think our children will just enjoy it on pictures and they will not have the chance to play with it. It is really refreshing to see wonderful things like this. In our childhood days, they called it as tutubing kalabaw, maybe because of it's size.

Sangitan day tomorrow

I'm so excited to go to our wet market here in Cabanatuan. Sangitan is very famous market here because of the cheapest finds of fish and vegetables. I'm super excited to buy a whole jack fruit weighing about 5 kilos or above. Which I will freeze after I separate the edible part. I will take a picture of it later, and I bet it is only around 100-150 pesos. I will be buying some fish and pakbet vegetables- we are on diet this week hehe.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Camille has grown up

Camille is daddy's youngest sister, also his only sister. They have 13 years gap, when daddy and I got into our relationship, Camille was only 4 years old. I remember when she was at her young age, she was so clever. Now, she has turned into a princess of Facun family. I can't wait for her 18th birthday, to design her motif. She was a part of their Barrio's Sta. Cruzan Parade as Queen of Wisdom, and as a good sister-in-law I designed her arch.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dylan's 3rd birthday-2nd cake

Here is his 2nd birthday cake that we celebrate here at our home at Cabanatuan City. Very simple and private. But he really enjoy his 2nd celebration and he was so excited to blow his candle and get his toy. Speaking of the toy, Ironman was so so out of season and I don't have time to look for it at the mall. So I looked for it at cheap toy stores in our public market and lucky me I found the only one Ironman toy which I only bought for 10 pesos. And his happiness is very priceless

Dylan's 3rd birthday-1st cake

Two days before Dylan's 3rd birthday, we go home to daddy's hometown- Bunol Guimba, Nueva Ecija. I assume that my father-in-law misses his grandson so much that he insists that Dylan will celebrate his birthday at their house. They catch some ducks at their backyard and cooked an Adobo dish. I buy 3 kilos of spaghetti, Italian with a touch of pinoy style with lots of hotdog. I also prepare Leche flan which I will post later for the recipe (which includes egg white). I also cooked Chicken Tiim- 3 whole chicken. And of course, 3-3 liters of Ice cream (all in 9 liters). Dylan enjoyed his birthday, but I compared it to his birthday celebration here at home (with the second cake) I think he enjoyed more here. Maybe it's because of his birthday cake wish- which is Ironman.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Fiesta Band

What does it pays to perform as a band in Fiesta? So, I interviewed one of them and she said that it requires a lot of practice. Like for a majorette, you have to be attractive- your face, body and of course a fair legs. And as for the band, they have to be precise in their performance. They need to practice to check their chemistry and cooperation. And according to the one that I interviewed, it is so hard to perform under the heat of sun. The barangay office and sponsors pay for their performance like my father-in-law as one of the sponsors. They also stopped-over on the houses of their sponsors and play their music to show their gratitude. And in fairness to them, they really played well and as well as the majorettes- they really got the fair appearance.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Painting or Picture?

We went to youth camp last week, and we sleepover at the tent. In the morning at around 6, I was so amazed with this scenery and immediately grabbed my digi-cam. I often saw such beautiful scene because I wake up late at the morning due to my insomnia. I only got the chance to see like this one when we went out of town with family and friends. I am planning to print it and put it on a frame and give our wall a nice touch of nature.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

McDo at SG got big serving

Dylan loves fries, so he was so excited when he saw the big servings.

Posing on the camera first, ow he's really hungry now. He said, "Wow! Mommy, daddy Mcdo big!"

Dylan meets his favorite!

Wow! That's what he said when he saw his favorite chocolate. And mommy too! Reese's has been our favorite since then, and of course Dylan got our sweet tooth when it comes to Reese's. We just can't resist its creamy chocolate with a twist of peanut butter. I love the miniatures. The white ones, we forgot to try some. The Hershey store in this picture is located at Sentosa, Singapore near Universal Studios.

A valentines date with my boys

Valentines day is a good opportunity to show our love for our someone special. Having time for your family is a better way to celebrate it. Although we don't have plans for this day, and as budget says "no". We still got the chance to enjoy it, having lunch at KFC and watching the World's largest fountain. Dylan and daddy enjoy it a lot, especially Dylan when window shopping at Toys R us. He also hug a very big Barney, though he's not a fan. He is eying for Iron man mask but daddy wasn't able to buy it. But I am very sure that they were both happy and so am I.

No diaper, mommy!

He is really not into diapers anymore. Whenever we asked him to put on diaper, he will refuse it but we will explain that he has to wear it because we are traveling so far. He's been trained for 2 months now, in the first, second and third day he can't still resist to pee on his sleep wear. I got the chance to motivate him, I said to him that if he pees, his gorgeous brief will be wet so as our bedding. I think it worked! For the record, we saved a lot and he matures a lot!

Happy birthday Chillet!

Chillet is one of my nephew, yep he is Pehpot's youngest son. He is Dylan's favorite berks among his cousins-their ages were very closed. Chillet turned 3 yesterday and Dylan will turn 3 this coming Sunday, yes-5 days gap! I remember that when we got pregnant to these 2 cute boys, we were unaware. We're on a vacation at Buang, La Union and we're just enjoying the sand and the waves. Ditse (that's Pehpot) knew it first that she was pregnant, and after sometime I am aware of mine also. It was a wonderful pregnancy, 2 siblings the same period of pregnancy was so cool.

So before I forgot what's on my title- "Happy Birthday Chillet", Dylan is singing beside me and was so excited when he saw your birthday pictures!

What's for Dylan's birthday?

Sunday is almost here, a very special day for my son. He is turning 3 and he requests for Iron Man for his birthday cake-hope I can find some stuff and balloons for his birthday. This year, we don't have any visitors for his birthday-just me and daddy. We are in the middle of budget cutting so we'll just spend it in our house-new home actually. So I am thinking of Lasagna or Alfredo sauce for our pasta, hmm..I think Alfredo will invade my kitchen. I am so missing grated Parmesan cheese and of course we will add veggie pizza on our menu. I'll ask him later what he wants for his birthday, I'm pretty sure Iron Man works for him well.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lunch at De Luxe

After 4days/3nights youth camp at Fort Magsaysay, Pastor was able to treat us a lunch at De Luxe Cabanatuan City. Committees and facilitators got the privilege to dig-in to this wonderful lunch. We've waited for at least 20 minutes for the food to be served, so we assess the outcome of the camp. It is successful, although there are some youth who didn't enjoy the camp-as we all know they are the only ones who didn't enjoy it. Kidding aside, they were called "Spice girls- full of spices". But overall it is a job well done despite the budget cutting. After waiting, at last they served the food. All of us were eying on their house specialty "Crispy pata", and it really taste good. Aside from it, we also ordered mixed vegetables, pansit canton, buttered chicken, sweet and sour pork, chicken tiim and yang chow rice. The food were really nice and the price is right, we have billed 3000 pesos for 15 persons.

Who says "NO" to Boodle fight?

The night before the camp ended, we got the chance to have a boodle fight. It was very cool to see young people giving their very best to finish the boodle fight, although some of them were very sensitive. The boodle fight is also a part of their leadership training, as well as socialization skills enhancement. There are two benefits from this activity, one is eating good foods and the other is inter-personal skills development. When the count runs out, 3, 2, 1 then go-all of us dig-in into this very rare opportunity. It was a very wonderful and unforgettable night for all of us, for the youth campers, the facilitators, the securities, the kitchen committees, and also our Pastor's family really enjoy the camp.