Friday, June 18, 2010

A woman's right OR a woman's role

How we can distinguished our rights and roles as a woman? Is it to be assertive with our rights or to be responsible of our roles. First, it's been practiced since B.C. times that a woman has no right but has a role to help his husband through their marriage life. It's been also observed that a woman has no right to choose whom they gonna be married to. But in this generation, it's different- we got so assertive and liberated. But of course, it comes with great responsibility whether we are up with our freedom to choose and say what we wanted. Being a wife, the most responsible that we must be capable of is to be submissive to our husband. Submission is a difficult term for us women because before our husbands, we are very independent and able to manage our lives without men. But again, we women were just created to become a help to our husband- to complete the man, as it is written in the book of Genesis. Submission really means a lot, whether we follow our husband when he says something or argue with it. So, we get back being with our role- to be a help to our husband. Help means a lot, help in decision making, help in times of depression, help in times of overwhelmed...even in our least way, we have to be a helped in our husband. Come to think of it, this is really our role.

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