Monday, December 20, 2010

Crying for more chips

It's his first time to eat a potato chips, at age 2 we don't usually allow him to eat junk foods. After we eat the potato chips, he is asking for more and crying a lot but then I told him that it is not good for his age to have more. As if he understand it well, he stop crying and we just play with his new toys I brought from Singapore. I also told him that Daddy bought it for him then he asked "where is daddy?" And he said, "let's go to Singapore, ride an airplane". Ow, he is really a grown up now, I think he became mature when we left him. I promised him that we will be going to Singapore before New year. We really missed daddy, so many crying nights for mommy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Why is it running out of chocolate coatings?

I'm so disappointed when I got this one. After it, I will no longer buy some on any of their stores.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hello Malaysia! BRB Singapore!

After three weeks stay in Singapore, we haven't landed a job yet. In my two weeks stay, I am fortunate to have a job offer but still waiting for my pass result. So we ended going to Johor Bahru, Malaysia just 5 minutes away from Woodlands, Singapore to extend our stay. We don't have the chance to go to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia because it is too far from JB. We stay at the nearby mall and do some shopping for Dylan, I am so fascinated that they have very cheap prices compare to SG. 1 pair of shoes and pants for Dylan, Shoes for Daddy and Slippers for me and a pair of jeans. We stop by at Kenny Rogers there and we find out that they have the worst service due to laziness of their locals. I ordered this baked potato and I almost spit it out, after that I never dine at KR anymore. We also find out that KFC here was very cheap and of course do have gravy! Unfortunately we are unable to get some, we are not sure if the IO in SG will allow us to carry some chicken with gravy. We spend only 5 hours in JB and we haven't explore it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SG: World's largest fountain

The world's largest fountain is in Singapore. It is in the middle of 4 Suntec Towers that is near Esplanade and Promenade Circle Lines MRT.

Hoping that Dylan will get the chance to see this, so beautiful and very amazing. It is really huge!